Who We Are
We are “The Lighthouse on the Lakeshore”
Long Branch Baptist Church is a welcoming community that has experienced God's grace through Jesus Christ. We aim to help Christians worship God and share Jesus' good news. By showing love through our actions and words, we want more people to feel God's grace and experience its power in their lives.
As a lighthouse gives both light and warning to ships on a dark and dangerous sea, Long Branch is committed to shining the Gospel of grace.
Our Mission (Matt. 5:14-16)
Long Branch Baptist Church has been called to be a Lighthouse to the Long Branch community. We strives to shine the powerful light of Jesus Christ and His Gospel into Toronto and the world.
Our Vehicles (Acts 2:42-47)
As a lighthouse gives both light and warning to ships on a dark and dangerous sea, Long Branch is committed to shining the Gospel of grace through the vehicles of:
Worship and Prayer
Teaching and fellowship
Evangelism and Discipleship
Works of Love, Mercy and Justice
Our History
Long Branch Baptist Church began as a mission work of the Baptist Convention of Ontario Quebec (BCOQ) early in 1914 as a result of prayer, careful research, and commitment to bringing people in the Long Branch Area to Jesus Christ. We built and met in our first building on December 19, 1914, but it was not until January 31, 1915 that it was formally opened. When the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches of Canada was formed in 1953, we became a part of it.
God has used our church to extend Christ’s church locally and globally. LBBC was instrumental in establishing Kenmuir Baptist Church in Mississauga and Bramalea Baptist Church in Bramalea. From the beginning of Long Branch, we have actively shared and supported in Christ’s work overseas by supporting and sending missionaries to various nations around the world.
As a congregation, we have shared the ebb and flow of life and events in our community in order to share Christ Jesus. This has not always been easy, because the community and culture have constantly been changing, nevertheless because Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever (Hebrews 13:8, ESV) we have remained in the community to present the timeless gospel in a manner that is relevant to the people and day in which we live.